Page 151 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第八期
P. 151
͏ԫԫʕٙ୦࿕جjၽᝄ৷ഃج৫ڀᇳʱ৫ 109 ϋܓࡡɪο 5 ԫࠃ͛ʘীሞ
This essay, beginning with Taiwanese Year 109's of superior court in Hualien
Indigenous Appeal No. 5, gives a discussion of Taiwanese indigenous people's
customary law in civil litigations. Pursuant to Article 10XI and the former part of
10XII of the Amendment of Constitution, the state should protect indigenous culture,
and to some extent the application of indigenous customary law to civil legal
relationship could be a vital part for upholding indigenous identification. However,
article 1 of the Civil Code, which stipulates the source of law, renders customary law
almost not applicable, and the lack of evidential means makes it even harder to resort
to customary law in civil litigation. If customary law is applicable, either through
Rechtsfortbildung or by enlargement of source of law, the codification of customary
law is essential preparation. In this aspect, the structure and style in which Adat Law
in Dutch East Indies and Taiwanese Private Law are helpful reference to draw up a
digest of Taiwanese indigenous customary law for the Judiciary to apply.
Keyword: indigenous people, customary law, civil law, rights in rem, rights of real
property, indigenous peoples' court, Rechtsfortbildung, codification