Page 88 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第一期
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86  ၽᝄࡡИ͏ૄجኪg2016 ϋ 7 ˜gୋ 1 ՜ୋ 1 ಂ

               ЪމІ˴݁طྼ᜗ٙࡡИ͏ૄٟึၾ˖ʷ໊ٟٙ                               ̊{̨ᝄࡡИ͏݁ഄၾٟึ೯࢝€ɨ‘dୋ4
               ப΂ၾʝਗᅼόfΪϤdίሞʿͭجᅼό€೻ҏ                               ಂdࠫ22-38f
               ׌eྼ᜗׌א٫݊ᅲࣛ׌ٙഄଫɰλdІط݁                           юగࢤ€1986fၽᝄʆήБ݁݁ഄٙစආၾ೯
               ִٙۨ࿒€᙮ɛόe᙮ήόɰᇦdᏐਿ׵ኮج                               ࢝‘fیҳjၽᝄ޲ִ݁͏݁ᝂf
               וႩၾڭღٙਿ͉ᛆɢၾݖ࿴dਕྼၾᅁ׌ٙ஝                           ؍९ޜ€2003f˚طࣛಂٙଣጻ{௬Ꮆၾง͏
               ྌࡡИ͏ૄІطٙͭجᅼόၾִ݁طଣۨ࿒dԱ                               ٙ઺ʷ݁ഄ€1930~1945‘fၽیj਷ͭϓ̌
               ኽࡈй͏ૄ͛πၾ೯࢝ᐑྤٙცࠅdረʚІطٙ                               ɽኪዝ̦޼Ӻה௹ɻሞ˖f
               ՘֛٤ගf                                           ࢑ɽʇ€2008f”஗ແݖٙ˴᜗k{ၽᝄࡡИ͏
               Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/24   ੵؒ€1953fၽᝄʆήБ݁ࠅሞ‘fၽ̏j͍ʕ
                   of 3 March 1995; Economic and Social Council    ࣣ҅f
                   resolution 1995/31 of 25 July 1995.         රਬޛ€2012f”˚طࣛಂ˜̻ήጻɛ™ٙ̈ତ
               U.N. Sub-mission on Prevention of Discrimination    ʿՉجܛɪܙ༾€1895-1937•dၽᝄ̦޼
                   and Protection of Minorities, Indigenous Peoples   Ӻ‘d19՜2ಂdࠫ99-150f
                   and their relationship to land—Final working   ௩ᘒ͗ഃᇜ€1998fၽᝄ޲ʮజʕϞᗫࡡИ͏
                   paper prepared by the Special Rapporteur, Mrs.   ج஝݁˿คᇜ€1‘fیҳjၽᝄ޲ִ݁˖ᘠ
                   Erica-Irene A. Daes, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2001/21       ։ࡰึf
                   (2001)                                      ၽᝄ޲ִ݁͏݁ᝂ€1971f೯࢝ʕ̨ٙᝄʆή
               U.N. Sub-mission on Prevention of Discrimination    Б݁‘fیҳjၽᝄ޲ִ݁͏݁ᝂf
                   and Protection of Minorities, Study of the Prob-  ᇹқਃ€Awi Mona€2011f”੽܄᜗Ց˴᜗jၽ
                   lem of Discrimination against Indigenous Popu-  ᝄࡡИ͏ૄجՓၾᛆлٙ೯࢝•d਷ͭၽ
                   lations, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1986/7/Add.1-   ᝄɽኪجኪሞᓉ‘dୋ40՜त̊dࠫ1499-
                   4 (1986).                                       1550f
               Wang, Tay-sheng. 2013. The Modernization of Civil   ᇹқਃ€Awi Mona€2008f”ᑌΥ਷ʕٙࡡИ͏
                   Justice in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945, 36 J. Ja-  ૄ਷ყɛᛆ•dၽᝄ਷ყ޼Ӻ֙̊‘d4՜2
                   pan. L. 95.                                     ಂdࠫ81-108f
               ζਗ਼gנ༩Յ€ᄎ˖ඪ€1994f”̨ᝄࡡИ͏ૄ                       ᖸʜқݵ،€2001fଣጻ{˚͉طଣ̨ᝄٙࠇ
                   ༶ਗ೯࢝༩ᇞʘڋӉઞী•dʆऎ˖ʷᕐ˜                            ഄ‘d2وfၽ̏j˖ߵੀf
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