Page 7 - 《原YOUNG—青少年雜誌期刊》110期
P. 7
Sakizaya Legend of
harming the children.
Since then, silvergrass has been planted around Sakizaya
villages to symbolize the protection against evil spirits and bad
people. Additionally, whenever there is a ritual, bunches of
silvergrass are put up in the area where the ritual is to be performed.
For example, during Palamal, the most important Sakizaya ritual
to worship their god of fire, plentiful offerings including betel nuts,
tunuz (rice cakes), rice liquor, fruits, vegetables, and rhizomes are
made to deities and ancestors. In front of the offerings are a row of
betel-leaves windmills as signals to guide the deities and ancestors
to the ritual area and accept the offerings, and a row of silvergrass
to drive away evil spirits who come to cause trouble.
@ໝෂႭ JOEE ɨʹ