Page 41 - 太平洋諸島百科事典
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原版主編推薦序                                                                                                                                                                       原版主編推薦序
     太平洋諸島  Foreword                                    not just for the sake of the Pacific communities that are particularly   原版主編推薦序                       12,000 年前持續至今的地質年代)相對溫和且穩定的條                    太平洋諸島
                                                        threatened, but to save the planet.                                                                    件下發展農業。氣候變遷被評斷為一個具爭議性的命
           I am delighted and very grateful to have this opportunity to extend   Today, all across the planet, extreme weather events are   我很高興也非常感謝能有這個機會向這本翻譯書的所有  題。然而,現今科學家們普遍認為地球正因人為汙染而
           warm greetings to all readers of this translated book. It is exciting to   becoming commonplace, causing acute problems in every country.   讀者致以熱烈的問候。得知可以向整個世代的新讀者介
           know that a whole generation of new readers can be introduced to   For the small island states of the Pacific, the impact is particularly           不斷暖化,且二氧化碳濃度的上升速度比現代史上任何
           this encyclopedia. I also appreciate the chance to draw attention to   severe. Island communities cannot escape the effects of powerful   紹這本百科全書,令人振奮不已。25 年多前,最早發想  時候都來得快。我們務須即刻承諾減少溫室氣體排放,
           the original intentions of the small steering group of researchers and   and more frequent cyclones and flooding. Their vulnerability begins   此專案的是一個由研究者和學者組成的小型指導小組,  這不僅是為了特別遭受威脅的太平洋社群,更是為了拯
           scholars who first envisaged the project more than 25 years ago. From   with saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources; it includes the reality   而這次也很高興能有機會讓指導小組的初衷獲得關注。  救地球。
           the outset, it was hoped that the book would tempt our readers into   of rising sea levels, and extends to the undermining of traditional   最初我們就期待本書能吸引讀者進行更多的調查與自我
           more investigation and personal reflection, beginning with the lists of   fisheries, with the loss and degradation of coral reefs. Quite apart from     如今,極端氣候事件在全球各地愈來愈普遍,對所
           “further reading" provided, but also exploring online.  the actual risk of submergence of settlements and the consequent   反思,從書中所提供的「延伸閱讀」清單開始,並也透  有國家都造成嚴重問題。對於太平洋小島國家來說,影
               We chose a thematic approach for this book as the best way   forced displacement of Pacific communities, the livelihoods of Pacific   過網路進行探索。  響尤其嚴重。島嶼社群無法逃離威力強大且更加頻繁的
           to present and explain so many diverse narratives. It allowed us to   peoples are threatened by severe cyclones and flooding, resulting in   本書中,我們採取主題性的方式,以此做為最佳途  氣旋及洪水的影響。這些島嶼的脆弱從海水倒灌、侵入
           develop a logical framework to describe and discuss the remarkable   the destruction of homes and infrastructure.  徑來呈現和解釋如此繁多的不同敘事。這樣一來便能制
           world of the Pacific islands in all its variety and complexity.   The second major environmental concern, largely overlooked                        淡水水源開始;這包括海平面上升的現實,並延伸至因
           After many months of planning, the drawing together of a list of   25 years ago, is the land and sea pollution caused by plastic products.   定一個邏輯框架,用以描述及討論太平洋島嶼那非凡世  珊瑚礁減損與劣化而對傳統漁業造成的破壞。除了居住
           contributors and decisions about their topics launched us into a busy   Plastic waste is accumulating on Pacific beaches, affecting boating,   界的諸般多樣性與複雜性。經過數月的規劃後,我們著  地被淹沒的實際危險,以及因此導致太平洋社群被迫流
           five years of concentrated effort. By the time we had prepared it for   fishing and even tourism. Because plastic will not decompose totally,   手召集一群撰稿人並訂定其撰寫題目,度過了全心全力
           publication in 2000, it represented the perspectives and research   microplastic waste continues to grow. Plastic has become the most               離失所之外,太平洋人民的生計還受到嚴重氣旋及洪水
           of 200 scholars from across the world, writers who knew and cared   common form of persistent marine debris, and is a pollutant that is   投入且十分繁忙的五年時光。到了 2000 年,當本書將  的威脅,導致家園和基礎設施遭到破壞。
           about the histories, societies, cultures and economies of the peoples   quite simply choking the vast ocean of the Pacific.   要付梓之際,它代表的是 200 名來自世界各地學者的觀  25 年前受到嚴重忽視的第二個主要環境問題,是塑
           of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia.         Coastal communities frequently rely on fish for the bulk of   點及研究,這群撰稿人熟知並關心玻里尼西亞、美拉尼              膠製品造成的陸地和海洋污染。塑膠垃圾正在太平洋海
               In the traditions and world views of all these Pacific   their income as well as the main source of their food. Ocean health   西亞、密克羅尼西亞人民的歷史、社會、文化與經濟。
           communities, there are many obvious similarities and areas of   is therefore extremely important, but discoveries of microplastics in               灘上積累,影響了划船、捕魚甚至旅遊業。由於塑膠不
           common interest. Living on various islands in this vast ocean,   seafood are increasing, threatening livelihoods as well as food safety.  在所有這些太平洋社群的傳統和世界觀之中,有許  會完全分解,塑膠微粒廢棄物持續增加。塑膠已成為最
           the peoples of the Pacific region may perhaps be said to share an   Plastics are made from fossil fuels, and so when plastic waste   多明顯的相似之處,且許多方面具有共同益處。太平洋  常見的持久性海洋廢棄物型態,它無疑是讓廣闊太平洋
           “island lifestyle", with its broad challenges of geographic isolation   breaks down and begins to decompose, greenhouse gases are released   地區的人民生活在這片浩瀚海洋中形形色色的島嶼上,  海域窒息的一種污染物。
           together with emergence from a general legacy of the colonial era.   into the atmosphere. This becomes yet another contributor to the   或許可以說他們有著共同的「島嶼生活方式」,面臨地
           Nevertheless, the range of distinctive experiences, voices and political   increase in global warming – and then the higher temperatures                沿海社群常仰賴魚類作為其大部分收入及主要食物
           arrangements tends to transform those narrative threads into a mosaic   contribute to the further decomposition of plastic waste, which is   理上孤立所帶來的諸多挑戰,並誕生自一種普遍的殖民  來源,因此海洋健康極其重要,但海鮮中發現塑膠微粒
           of diversity.                                accelerated by sunlight and heat.                         遺緒。然而,一系列的獨特經歷、主張和政治安排,往                     的情況正在增加,威脅著生計和食品安全。
               Now that we have this new translation, the first for 20 years, it   Indisputably, these are dire and dismal prospects for the Pacific   往會將這些敘事線轉化為一幅繽紛多元的鑲嵌藝術圖
           provides an opportunity to assess the Pacific region with fresh eyes,   environment, requiring urgent global attention. This does not mean              塑膠是由化石燃料所製成,因此當塑膠垃圾碎裂並
           looking in particular at what has changed or emerged over the last 20   that what is required is high-level geopolitical maneuvering driven   像。    開始分解時,會釋放溫室氣體到大氣中。這又成為全球
           or 25 years. It seems to me that although there are (of course) many   by the major global powers, an approach that is antithetical to Pacific   而今,20 年來首次有了這本新譯本,提供我們一個  暖化加劇的另一個因素―而更高的溫度又導致塑膠垃
           new developments in language, identity, politics, education, social   islander concepts. Instead listen to the advocacy of Pacific leaders on   機會以新的眼光來評估太平洋地區,特別是看看過去 20  圾進一步分解,它會因陽光和熱度而加速。
           media, and so on, against the backdrop of a widening gap between   the threat to peace and security caused by climate change, and then   年或 25 年來發生了什麼變化,或出現了什麼新事物。
           richer nations and the low-wage economies of the region, there are in   provide support for their decisions. And fortunately, many countries,           無可爭辯的是,這些是太平洋環境嚴酷而慘澹的前
           fact – with the benefit of hindsight – two very specific environmental   including Taiwan, are listening and are stepping up to invest in the   在我看來,儘管(當然)在語言、身份、政治、教育、  景,亟需全球關注。這並不意味著需要的是由全球主要
           concerns which now appear as significant factors requiring urgent   future development of Pacific island nations, helping to preserve a   社交媒體等方面有許多新的發展,但在該地區較富裕的  大國所推動的高層地緣政治操縱,這種手段與太平洋島
           attention and action in the new millenium.   secure future with a high quality of life.                國家與低工資經濟體之間差距不斷擴大的背景之下,實                     民的想法背道而馳。我們更應該傾聽太平洋領袖針對氣
               The first of these is climate change, a development that very   We have a shrinking window of time, but it is still possible to   際上有兩個非常明確的環境問題―事後來看往往能看
           clearly poses a huge threat to the communities of the Pacific. The   work together and to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions              候變遷為和平與安全所帶來的威脅有何主張,並支援其
           vulnerability of the Pacific islands in the face of rising sea levels has   sufficiently to rescue the planet. I sincerely hope that this book –   得更透澈―已成為新的千年中亟需關注和行動的重要  決策。幸運的是,包括臺灣在內的許多國家正在傾聽,
           become common knowledge in the twenty-first century, with Tuvalu,   with its focus on the truly remarkable, unique and beautiful world of   因素。     並加緊投資於太平洋島國的未來發展,協助維護一個生
           Kiribati and the Marshall Islands all in obvious danger because they   the Pacific islands – will play a small part in enlisting the attention of   首先是氣候變遷,此一發展顯然對太平洋社群構成
           are comprised of low-lying atolls, barely one metre above sea level.  younger generations to join the fight against climate change. It is not       活品質優良且安全無虞的未來。
               The environmental analysis of 25 years ago, in this encyclopedia,   yet too late.                  巨大威脅。面臨海平面上升,太平洋島嶼有多麼脆弱,                         我們的時間愈來愈少,但仍有可能共同努力找出充
           presented a fairly low-key situation, drawing attention to the way                                     這在二十一世紀已是常識,吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯和馬紹爾                     分減少溫室氣體排放的方法,以拯救地球。我誠摯希望
           that human societies have been able to develop agriculture in the                                      群島都處於顯而易見的危險之中,因為它們由低窪的環                     這本書―透過聚焦於太平洋島嶼真正非凡、獨特且美
           relatively mild and stable conditions of the Holocene – the geological                                 礁組成,海拔幾乎不到一米。
           period spanning the last 12,000 years. Climate change is assessed as                                                                                麗的世界―能夠發揮一些影響力,吸引年輕世代的注
           a debatable proposition. Today, however, it is widely recognised by                                        這本事典在 25 年前的環境分析所呈現的是一個相                 意,讓他們加入對抗氣候變遷的行列。現在還為時不晚。
           scientists that the earth is warming through man-made pollution,                                       當平緩的情勢,聚焦於人類社會如何設法在全新世(從
           and that carbon dioxide concentrations have been rising at a faster
           rate than at any other time in modern history. We simply must now                                                                                                             Kate Fortune 凱特·福瓊
           make an urgent commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions,   Kate Fortune
                                                                     September 2022                                                                                                             2022 年 9 月

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