Page 7 - 《原YOUNG—青少年雜誌期刊》111期
P. 7



                    conducted by a misshishi.
                        A misshishi, or village priestess, is the person who conducts

                    rituals in a Thao village. A misshishi must be a married woman, not
                    divorced or widowed. She serves as the bridge between people

                    and their apu in her village. Misshishis play the central role in Thao
                    culture, as rituals can not be performed without them.

                        Next time you visit Ita Thao village by the Sun Moon Lake and
                    see a misshishi speaking or chanting in an area marked with two

                    bamboo poles by the roadside, be quiet and respectful. You should
                    not play near the ritual.


               @௅ໝෂႭ JOEE                                                                                            ɨʹ
               @௅ໝෂႭ JOEE
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