Page 46 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第八期
P. 46


                           3.  ΢਷ᒔᏐમ՟Ϟࣖણ݄d࣬ኽცࠅdᆽڭ͟աϤ၇ΚᎈيሯᅂᚤٙࡡИ͏ૄ

                           ୋ 32 ૢ

                           1.  ࡡИ͏ૄϞᛆᆽ֛ձՓ֛ක೯אл͜ՉɺήאჯɺձՉ˼༟๕ٙᎴ΋ࠠᓃձ

                           2.  ΢਷ίҭࡘ΂ОᅂᚤՑࡡИ͏ૄɺήאჯɺձՉ˼༟๕ٙਖ਼ࣩdतй݊ක


                           3.  ΢਷Ꮠ౤ԶϞࣖዚՓdމ΂ОϤᗳݺਗ౤Զʮ͍ձʮ̻ٙ໾ᎵdԨᏐમ՟ቇ

                       ɧe ਷ყ௶ʈଡ଼ᔌ€International Labor Organization,  ᔊ
                             ၈ ILO ʘ ࡡ И ͏ ʿ ௅ ໝ ͏ ૄ ᛆ л ʮ ߒ ‘ (ILO

                             Convention No.169 Concerning Indigenous and Tribal

                             Peoples in Independent Countries,  א၈j਷ყ௶ʈଡ଼
                             ᔌୋ 169 ໮ʮߒ )

                           ਷ყ௶ʈଡ଼ᔌ€International Labor Organizationd˸ɨᔊ၈ ILO׵ 1957 ϋஷ
                       ཀٙ਷ყ௶ʈଡ଼ᔌୋ 107 ໮ʮߒdᏐ᙮ᑌΥ਷ૢߒӻ୕ʕd௰ϘձࡡИ͏ᛆूϞᗫ
                       ʘجܛ˖΁ f༈ʮߒʫ࢙࿁׵ࡡИ͏௶ʈהቊ༾ʘѢྤd౤̈஢ε࿃อଣׂdԷ


                           107 ໮ʮߒਗ਼ࡡИ͏ૄ዆ΥΝʷٙ˙Σ݅ʊ஗ൖމ፹ႬdILO уഹ˓ࡌҷ༈ධ

                       ʮߒf਷ყ௶ʈଡ଼ᔌʘࡡИ͏ʿ௅ໝ͏ૄᛆлʮߒ€˸ɨᔊ၈ ILO ʘࡡИ͏ᛆлʮ
                       ߒd׵ 1989 ϋ຾ ILO ɽึஷཀd׵ 1991 ϋ͍ό͛ࣖ fՉʕdϞᗫ༨਷ҳ༟d

                       26c Breuer,  M.  (2018,  December).  Exploring  the  technical  assistance  activities  of  the
                           International  Labor  Organization  in  the  field  of  indigenous  peoples:  Development  and
                           Human  Rights  in  the Andean  Indian  Program  (1954-1968).  In  FIAR:  Forum  for  Inter-
                           American Research (Vol. 11, No. 3). Stamatopoulou, E. (1994). Indigenous peoples and the
                           United Nations: Human rights as a developing dynamic. Hum. Rts. Q., 16, 58.
                       27c Yupsanis, A. (2010). ILO Convention No. 169 Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
                           in Independent Countries 1989–2009: An Overview. Nordic Journal of International Law,
                           79(3), 433-456. ʕ˖˖ᘠሗԈ : ೊጳ》 . " ੽਷ყ௶ਗਿ๟ሞᆄݲᑌຑ࿁̮ᘬ௶ʈɛᛆʘڭ
                           ღ ." Journal of Europeran and American studies 34, no. 1 (2004): 95. ͩඩν . (2015). זɕ

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