Page 106 - 以海為身,以洋為度:浩鷗法選輯
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                                        附註                                                         6. Helu, Futa. 1979 and 1980. "Tongan Poetry IV: Dance Poetry." Faikava (Nuku'alofa)
                                                                                                    4:28–31 and 5:27–31.
            本文原收錄於羅伯特 ‧ 柏洛夫斯基(Robert Borofsky)主編的《太平
            洋過去的記憶:一個重製歷史的邀請》(Remembrance of Pacific Past: An                                      7. Kame'eleihiwa, Lilikal . 1992. Native Land and Foreign Desires. Honolulu: Bishop
            Invitation)(2000)一書中,從 1994 年 10 月南太平洋大學(University                                     Museum Press.
            of the South Pacific)的一場大洋洲講座,及同年 8 月東西文化中心的太
            cc                                                                                     8. Lal, Brij V., ed. 1992. Pacific Islands History: Journeys and Transformations.
            平洋作家論壇(Pacific Writer's Forum)逐步發展成形。太平洋作家論壇
                                                                                                    Canberra: Journal of Pacific History, Australian National University.
            洋研究中心給我許多不受干擾的時間來思考與撰寫本文初稿。在林肯                                                         9. M hina, 'Okusitino. 1992. "The Tongan Traditional History Tala- -Fonua: A Vernacular
            會堂(Lincoln Hall)外與蘇德希 ‧ 米什拉(Sudesh Mishra)、諾拉 ‧ 樊                                       Ecology-Centred Historico-Cultural Concept." PhD thesis, Australian National
            吉 ‧ 布拉許(Nora Vagi Brash)、瑪裘莉 ‧ 克羅坎(Marjorie Crocombe)                                   University, Canberra.
            和亞伯托 ‧ 鞏梅茲(Alberto Gomez)的討論讓我受惠良多。維索尼 ‧
                                                                                                   10. Miller, James. 1985. Koori: A Will to Win. The Heroic Resistance, Survival, and
            荷瑞尼可(Vilsoni Hereniko)、傑佛瑞 ‧ 懷特(Geoff White)和彼門 ‧
                                                                                                     Triumph of Black Australia. North Ryde, NSW: Angus & Robertson.
            迪撒納亞卡(Vimal Dissanayake)是絕佳的會議主辦人、東道主,也是啟
            發靈感的夥伴。夏威夷研究中心的郝娜尼─凱 ‧ 特拉斯克(Haunani-Kay                                                11. Rubinstein, David H., ed. 1992. Pacific History. Guam: University of Guam Press
            Trask )和莉莉卡拉 ‧ 卡美峨雷希瓦(Lilikal  Kame'eleihiwa)鼓勵我繼續                                       and Micronesian Area Research Center.
            寫作本文。東尼 ‧ 霍伯(Tony Hooper)閱讀原稿並給予諸多有用的建                                                 12. Sahlins, Marshall. 1993. "Goodbye to Tristes Tropes: Ethnography in the Context
            設性評論。我很感激他們。                                                                             of Modern World History." Journal of Modern History 65:1–25. Reprinted in
                                                                                                     Assessing Cultural Anthropology, edited by Robert Borofsky. New York: McGraw
                                                                                                     Hill, 1994.
            1. Borofsky, Robert, ed. 1994. Assessing Cultural Anthropology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
                                                                                                   13. Trask, Haunani-Kay. 1991. "Natives and Anthropologists: The Colonial Struggle."
            2. —. 2000. Remembrance of Pacific Pasts: An Invitation to Remake History.               Contemporary Pacific 3(1) (Spring):159–167.
             Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
                                                                                                   14. Waddell, Eric. 1993. "The Power of Positive Thinking." In A New Oceania:
            3. Davis, Tom. 1992. Island Boy: An Autobiography. Suva: Institute of Pacific            Rediscovering Our Sea of Islands, edited by Eric Waddell, Vijay Naidu, and Epeli
             Studies, University of the South Pacific.                                               Hau'ofa. Suva: School of Social and Economic Development, University of the

            4.Grace, Patricia. 1992. Cousins. Auckland: Penguin.                                     South Pacific.
            5. Hau'ofa, Epeli. 1993. "Our Sea of Islands." In A New Oceania: Rediscovering Our Sea   15. White, Geoffrey. 1991. Identity Through History: Living Stories in a Solomon
             of Islands, edited by Eric Waddell, Vijay Naidu, and Epeli Hau'ofa. Suva: School of Social   Islands Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
             and Economic Development, University of the South Pacific. Reprinted in Contemporary
             Pacific 6 (1) (1994):148–161.

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