Page 87 - 第二屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
P. 87
顧坤惠 財產關係:幾個人類學觀點
Property Relations: Anthropological Approaches
• Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881) —associated development of ideas of
property with social evolution – commencement of civilization.
• Henry James Sumner Maine (1822 —1888) – complexity of the ―bundle of
powers’ in property—mixing of political and economic power and the
different layers of tenure in the feudal period. India v.s. Britan private
property/individual rights
• Marcel Mauss (1872 –1950) –
• The Gift [1925]) – changes in how people relate to one another via things
indicates a history of changing ideas of property.
*Bronislaw Malinowski (1884–1942) -- (1935: Coral Gardens) and Raymond Firth
(1901-2002)--(1939: Polynesia Economy) both dealt with the individual and
communal ownership in ethnographic terms.
* ―Notes and Queries‖(1892) 6th ed. (1951) – links the concepts of―property‖,
―ownership‖ and ―rights‖.
• Max Gluckman (1911-1975)-- (1965: Politics, Law and Ritual ) demonstrated
the close relationship between land ownership and social structure
• Hoebel, E.A.(1906–1993) -- (1966: Anthropology): The essential nature of
property is to be found in Social Relations rather than in any attributes of the
thing or object that we call property…. a network of social relations that
governs the conduct of people with respect to the use and disposition of