Page 89 - 第二屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
P. 89
顧坤惠 財產關係:幾個人類學觀點
of cultural expression and reification of people as interest groups
* Legal regimes emerged from the state power
• Micro: dealing with day to day disputes– land transactions among indigenous
individuals or between indigenous and non-indigenous persons; ―inheritance‖;
―personal injury and compensation‖, names and naming etc.
• 2008 民法繼承偏於排灣族部落社會的實踐
• 台東案例 阿美族繼承糾紛
• 傷害判決 金錢賠償還是<豬隻>賠償
找回我們的名字 (運動)
• 正名運動的持續發展 (就是要/躍改變)
• 然而 原住民的名字不只是 ―美麗‖ 還有更深層的社會意義/義務亦或文
化階序 (如排灣族命名)倫理 名字作為財產的一種
(intangible/non-material property)
• Changing naming practices indicate the changing conception of property as
influenced by the State
law as living traditions
• John Borrows (2010) Canada’s indigenous constitution--law as living
traditions, challenges non-aboriginal and aboriginal Canadians alike to
integrate the legal traditions and practices of Canada’s indigenous peoples
with the overall system of Canadian law