Page 113 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第三期
P. 113
美國原住民身分認定簡介 9
以上 Chippewa 族之血緣,第二,其父母必須要在其出生後一年內申請,第三,該申請者(子女)無其
他部落族人身分。 32
四、Choctaw 族(註冊族人:88,913 人)
Choctaw 族,為美國印弟安部落中人口數居中的部落,其部落所在地位於美國奧克拉荷馬州(State
of Oklahoma)。
依據 Choctaw 族部落憲法第二條,所有曾經出現在西元一九零六年四月二十六日的部落人口調查名
分。 33
五、Southern Ute 族(註冊族人:8,105 人)
位於科羅拉多州(State of Colorado)的 Southern Ute 族,為美國印弟安部落中人口數非常少的部落,
生之部落子女(其父或母的名字有出現在前項名冊中),具有四分之一以上 Southern Ute 族之血緣,且
落子女,具有四分之一以上 Southern Ute 族之血緣,且未註冊為其他部落成員者。 34
of the Tribe. (b)All children of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born between April 14, 1941, the date
of the annuity roll, and July 3, 1961, the date of approval of the membership ordinance by the Area Director,
to a parent or parents, either or both of whose names appear on the basic membership roll, provided an
application for enrollment was filed with the Secretary of the Tribal Delegates by July 4, 1962, one year
after the date of approval of the ordinance by the Area Director.” 參見
chippewa/,最後瀏覽日期:2017 年 10 月 24 日。
32 “(c)All children of at least one quarter (1/4) degree Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born after July 3,
1961, to a member, provided that an application for enrollment was or is filed with the Secretary of the
Tribal Delegates or the Tribal Executive Committee within one year after the date of birth of such children.”
參見,最後瀏覽日期:2017 年 10 月 24 日。
33 Constitution of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Article II-membership,“Section 1. The Choctaw Nation
of Oklahoma shall consist of all Choctaw Indians by blood whose names appear on the final rolls of the
Choctaw Nation approved pursuant to Section 2 of the Act of April 26, 1906 (34 Stat. 136) and their lineal
descendants. Sec. 2. Except as hereinafter provided, any Choctaw by blood who has elected or shall hereafter
elect to become a member of any other tribe or band of Indians may not be a member of this Nation…”
參見 ,最後瀏覽日期:2017
年 10 月 24 日。
34 Constitution of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado, Article
II-membership, “Section 1. The membership of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe shall consist of the following: