Page 114 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第三期
P. 114

10    臺灣原住民族法學          第三期

            六、Little River 印弟安人(註冊族人:7,975 人)

                 位於密西根(State of Michigan)馬尼斯蒂(Manistee)的 Little River 印弟安人,也是美國印弟安部落

            弟安血緣,且必須具備八分之一以上 Grand River Ottawa 或者是 Michigan Ottawa 族之血緣者;第二、
            為西元一九零八年 Durant Roll(人口調查名冊)上族人,或是西元一八七零年 Annuity Payrolls(名
            冊)上族人之後裔;第三、不具有其他部落成員身分。 另外,符合上述要件的小孩,倘若被其他族人

                                                     肆、結         語




               (a) All persons duly enrolled on the 1970 tribal census roll dated August 31, 1971, approved by the
               Albuquerque Area Director on February 1, 1972. (b) All children of enrolled members born subsequent to
               July 14, 1965, and prior to the effective date of this revision, such children possess at least one-fourth
               (1/4) degree of Southern Ute Indian blood; and have been enrolled as a member of any other tribe. (c) All
               children of enrolled members born subsequent to the effective date of this revision, if such children shall
               be one-fourth (1/4) or more degree of Southern Ute Indian blood and PROVIDED that such person shall
               not be included on the membership roll of any other Indian tribe and is approved for adoption by the tribal
               council...”參見,最後瀏覽日期:2017 年 10 月 24 日。
            35  Constitution of the Little River Band of Indians of Manistee, Michigan, Article II-membership, “Section
               1 - Eligibility for Membership. An individual is eligible for membership in the Tribe, if he/she possesses
               at least one-fourth (1/4) degree Indian blood, of which at least one-eighth (1/8) degree must be Grand
               River Ottawa or Michigan Ottawa blood and: (a) Is a lineal descendant of a member of the historic Grand
               River Bands who resided in Manistee, Mason, Wexford or Lake Counties in the State of Michigan, who
               were listed on the schedule of Grand River Ottawa in the Durant Roll of 1908 as approved by the
               Secretary of the Interior on February 18, 1910; or, (b) Is a lineal descendant of individuals listed on the
               1870 Annuity Payrolls of Chippewas and Ottawas of Michigan listed under the following Ottawa Chiefs:
               Kewacushkum, Pay-quo-tush, Me-tay-wis, Shaw-be-quo-ung, Penayse, Kaw-gay-gaw-bowe, Maw-gaw-ne-
               quong, Ching-gawa-she, Aken Bell; and, (c) Is not currently enrolled in any other federally re cognized
               Indian Tribe, band, or group…”參見,最後瀏覽日期:2017
               年 10 月 24 日。

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