Page 33 - 臺灣原住民族法學期刊第一卷第二期
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ሞ̺༵ૄ੉ɾʘɺήᘱוၾᛆлڭღ 31

               而,有文獻指出,多元的法律系統也可能限制或                               OPING WOMEN’S LAW (Tano Aschehoug.
               暗中破壞了人權保障的訴求,因為習慣法可能在                               1998).
               財產權等方面具有歧視女性的特質,或是在依照                           Charlesworth, H. 1995. “Human Rights as Men’s
               原住民傳統文化創設新的糾紛排解系統時,複製                               Rights.” in Women’s Rights, Human Rights:
               了原住民社群「排除婦女的參與」或是「將婦女                               International Feminist Perspectives, edited by &
               視為是男性之從屬」的觀點;其實於重新思考如                               Wolper J. Peters, A. London: Routledge.
               何建構多元文化之公平正義時,應透過性別的觀                           Farran, Sue. 2006. Is Legal Pluralism an Obstacle to
               點,在傳統慣習與人權保障之間找出一些共通的                               Human Rights? Considerations from the South
               價值底蘊,以調和傳統慣習與人權保障之間的衝                               Pacific. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unoffi-
               突。  47                                              cial Law, 52, 77-105.
                   本文認為,布農族婦女未能依民法第1138                        Freeman, M.A. 1995. “The Human Rights of Women
               條確實與男子平等地享有繼承權的問題,應可藉                               in the Family: Issues and Recommendations for
               用Sally Engle Merry(2006)所提出「以方言闡述                   Implementation of the Women’s Convention.” in
               人權」的觀點,將繼承權性別平等的人權保障觀                               Women’s Rights, Human Rights: International
               念,以布農族地方文化中的論述去加以轉譯包                                Feminist Perspectives, edited by & Wolper J.
               裝,以促進此一人權保障觀念的落實。                                   Peters, A. London: Routledge.
                   本文發現,布農族小米文化中,「女兒的精                         Gregg, Benjamin. 2012. Human Rights as Social
               靈與身體得自其父母,且終身不變」的概念,以                               Construction. Cambridge: Cambridge University
               及「依個人能力進行土地分配」之原則觀念,應                               Press.
               可用來在布農部落中傳遞並強化「婦女與男子應                           MERRY, SALLY ENGLE. 2006. HUMAN RIGHTS
               享有平等繼承權益」的人權保障概念,以促使此                               AND GENDER VIOLENCE: TRANSLATING
               一人權保障觀念得以落實於布農部落之中。而原                               INTERNATIONAL LAW INTO LOCAL JUS-
               住民傳統祭典、祖靈聖地或舊部落及其週邊獵                                TICE Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
               區或耕墾之土地,經依法定程序劃定為「原住民                           Richland, Justin B. 2005. “What are you going to do
               族傳統領域土地」後,對此部分屬於可耕墾的土                               with the village’s knowledge?” Talking tradition,
               地,布農族男性與女性族人亦應享有平等的使用                               talking law in Hopi Tribal Court. Law & Society
               權,以避免女性族人的生存權與工作權受到不當                               Review, 39(2), 235-272.
               的限制與壓迫,並在符合國際人權標準的前提之                           Santos, Boaventura D. S. 2002. Toward a New Legal
               下,保留布農族於繼承方面的傳統慣習。                  48              Common Sense. London: Butterworths Lexis-
                                                               Short, Lindsay. 2014. “Tradition versus Power; When
               ANNE HELLUM, & STEWART, JULIE, PUR-                 Indigenous Customs and State Laws Conflict.”
                   SUING GROUNDED  THEORY IN LAW:                  Chicago Journal of International Law, 15, 376-
                   SOUTH-NORTH EXPERIENCES IN DEVEL-               408.
                                                               Sierra, Maria Teresa. 2012. “The revival of Indige-
                  Sierra, Maria Teresa. 2012. “The revival of Indigenous   nous Justice in Mexico: Challenges for human
                 Justice in Mexico: Challenges for human rights and the
                                                                   rights and the state.” Pp. pp.116-36 in Law and
                 state.” Pp. pp.116-36 in Law and Development, edited
                 by Julio Faundez. New York: Routledge., p.132; Farran,   Development, edited by Julio Faundez. New
                 Sue. 2006. “Is Legal Pluralism an Obstacle to Human   York: Routledge.
                 Rights? Considerations from the South Pacific.” Journal
                 of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 52, 77-105, 78,   Young, I. 1990. Justice and the Politics of Difference
                 96, 103.                                          Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
               48   ኪ٫ੵጳ௫ഃ׵ীሞ̺༵ૄٙІطՓܓʘ޼Ӻၾ஝
                 ྌࣛdසਗ਼͏ૄᙄึٙɾ׌ਞ݁ᛆॶɝ˜ɾ׌ᛆл™                           Press.
                 ٙᙄᕚʘɨආБীሞfഅ٫˸މ̺༵ૄ׵ઞীІط                        Youssef, N. 1995. “Women’s Access to Productive
                 Փܓٙ୚௅஝ۆணࠇdϞࡳԬෂ୕࿕୦̙ʚ˸ڭव                            Resources: The Need for Legal Instruments
                 ʕfੵጳ௫ഃ€2005d《ࡡИ͏ૄІطՓܓʘ޼Ӻ                         to Protect Women’s Development Rights.” in
                 ၾ஝ྌ{̺༵ૄeᒄࢀૄၾڑૄ》dၽ̏jБ݁৫ࡡ                           Women’s Rights, Human Rights: International
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