Page 84 - 第三屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
P. 84
76 第三屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會
1988 Provincial Courts in Solomon Islands. In Pacific Courts and Legal Systems, Guy Powles and Mere Pulea eds.,
pp. 73–77. Suva: Univ. of the South Pacific and the Faculty of Law, Monash Univ.
Weiner, James & Katie Glaskin eds.
2006 The (Re-)Invention of Indigenous Law and Customs. Special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of
Anthropology 7(1).
2007 Customary Land Tenure and Registration in Papua New Guinea and Australia: Anthropological
Perspectives. Canberra: ANU E Press.