Page 133 - 第一屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
P. 133

Sec.33.  宗教、文化場所與儀式之權利


               a.  在未經原住民族文化社群/原住民族社群自由且事前告知之同意的情況下,為取得有
               b.  毀損、移動或以其它方式摧毀對原住民族文化社群/原住民族保存其文化遺產極為重
               要之製品 。
               Sec. 35.  生物與基因資源之使用:
               用,只有在取得相關社群事前告知後同意,並符合習慣法之情形下,才得於 ICCs/Ips 之
               傳統土地與領域中實施 。

                    事前告知後同意之實施方式規定於「IPRA 實施規則與條例」中。根據該規定,設

               71 。若一特定計畫欲於原住民族之傳統領域上進行,且該計畫內容為需履踐事前告知後
               同意程序方得實施之活動,即必須符合事前告知後同意之程序與法定要件 。最後需由

               69 Id., Sec. 33. Rights to Religious, Cultural Sites and Ceremonies: ‖ICCs/IPs shall have the right  to manifest,
                 practice,  develop  and  teach  their  spiritual  and  religious  traditions,  customs  and  ceremonies;  the  right  to
                 maintain, protect and have access to their religious and cultural sites; the right to use and control of ceremonial
                 objects;  and,  the  right  to  the  repatriation  of  human  remains.  Accordingly,  the  State  shall  take  effective
                 measures, in cooperation with the ICCs/IPs concerned to ensure that indigenous sacred places, including burial
                 sites, be preserved, respected and protected.
                 To achieve this purpose, it shall be unlawful to: a) Explore, excavate or make diggings on archeological sites
                 of the ICCs/IPs for the purpose of obtaining materials of cultural values without the free and prior informed
                 consent of the community concerned;
                 and b) Deface, remove or otherwise destroy artifacts which are of great importance to the ICCs/IPs for the
                 preservation of their cultural heritage.‖
                Id., Sec. 35. Access to Biological and Genetic Resources: ―Access to biological and genetic resources and to
                 indigenous  knowledge  related  to  the  conservation,  utilization  and  enhancement  of  these  resources,  shall  be
                 allowed within ancestral lands and domains of the ICCs/IPs only with a free and prior informed consent of
                 such communities, obtained in accordance with customary laws of the concerned community.‖
                The Rules and Regulations Implementing IPRA, Rule IV, Part III. Section 3. Free and Prior Informed Consent:
                 ―The  ICCs/IPs  shall,  within  their  communities,  determine  for  themselves  policies,  development  programs,
                 projects and plans to meet their identified priority needs and concerns. The ICCs/IPs shall have the right to
                 accept or reject a certain development intervention in their particular communities.
                 The acceptance or rejection of proposed policy, program, project or plan shall be assessed in accordance with
                 the following IPs development framework and value systems for the conservation and protection of:
                 a) Ancestral domains/lands as the ICCs/IPs’ fundamental source of life;
                 b) Traditional support system of kinship, friendship, neighborhood clusters, tribal and inter-tribal relationships
                 rooted in cooperation, sharing and caring;
                 c) Sustainable and traditional agricultural cycles, community life, village economy and livelihood activities
                 such  as  swidden  farming,  communal  forests,  hunting  grounds,  watersheds,  irrigation  systems  and  other
                 indigenous management systems and practices; and
                 d) Houses, properties, sacred and burial grounds. ―
               72 The Rules and Regulations Implementing IPRA, Rule IV, Part III. Section 5.
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