Page 129 - 第一屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
P. 129

               Rule VI Sec. 10  社群智慧財產之保護
               a)  原住民族文化社群/原住民族過去、現在及未來的文化表現,例如但不限於:考古及

               b)  科學技術,包含但不限於:人類及其他遺傳資源、種子、藥物、健康習慣、重要之
               c)  語言、音樂、舞蹈、手稿、歷史、口述傳統、紛爭解決機制、構建和平之程序、生活

               從 first impression first claim 之原則、生物多樣性公約、世界原住民權利宣言、世界人權
               Rule VI Sec. 11  宗教、文化位址及儀式之保護
               Rule VI Sec. 13 原住民族聖地之保護
               於下列情況,依據 IPRA Sec. 72 及習慣法,應處罰之:
               a)  在未經相關社群之自由與事前告知後同意的情形下,為取得具文化價值之物品,而於

               56 The  Rules  and  Regulations  Implementing  IPRA,  Rule  VI,  Sec.  10.  Protection  of  Community  Intellectual
                 Property: ―The ICCs/IPs have the right to own, control, develop and protect the following:
                 a) The past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as but not limited to, archeological and
                 historical  sites,  artifacts,  designs,  ceremonies,  technologies  and  visual  and  performing  arts  and  literature  as
                 well as religious and spiritual properties;
                 b) Science and Technology including, but not limited to, human and other genetic resources, seeds, medicines,
                 health  practices,  vital  medicinal  plants,  animals,  minerals,  indigenous  knowledge  systems  and  practices,
                 resource management systems, agricultural technologies, knowledge of the properties of flora and fauna, and
                 scientific discoveries; and
                 c)  Language,  Music,  Dances,  Script,  Histories,  Oral  Traditions,  Conflict  Resolution  Mechanisms,  Peace
                 Building Processes, Life Philosophy and Perspectives and Teaching and Learning Systems.
                 In partnership with the ICCs/IPs, the NCIP shall establish effective mechanisms for protecting the indigenous
                 peoples’  community  intellectual  property  rights  along  the  principle  of  first  impression  first  claim,  the
                 Convention  on  Bio-diversity,  the  Universal  Declaration  of  Indigenous  Peoples’  Rights,  and  the  Universal
                 Declaration of Human Rights.‖
                The Rules and Regulations Implementing IPRA, Rule VI, Sec. 11. Protection of Religious, Cultural Sites and
                 Ceremonies: ―The indigenous artistic and historic wealth, ceremonial objects, cultural properties and artifacts
                 constitutes the cultural treasures of the ICCs/IPs and shall be under their protection and disposition: Provided;
                 that cultural treasures and properties shall not be brought outside of the indigenous peoples’ ancestral domains.
                 Towards  this  end,  the  initiatives  of  indigenous  peoples  to  establish  museums  or  centers  shall  be  supported
                 financially and technically by the government.‖
                Id., Rule VI, Sec 13. Protection of Indigenous Sacred Places: ―Penal sanctions in accordance with Section 72 of
                 the Act and customary laws shall be applicable in case of:
                 a) Exploration and/or excavation of archeological sites in ancestral domains/lands for the purpose of obtaining
                 materials of cultural value without the free and prior informed consent of the community concerned; and
                 b) Defacing, removing or otherwise destroying artifacts which are of great importance and significance to the
                 ICCs/IPs for the preservation of their cultural heritage.‖
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