Page 126 - 第一屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會論文集
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               領銜於 1998 年提起訴訟主張 IPRA 違憲 。訴訟判決結果,持肯定與否定意見之法官人
               數相等(七票比七票),經再次投票後,仍維持相同結果,該案因此遭到駁回。IPRA 之

               合憲性雖然因而並未被撼動,然而法官意見之相左,除了為未來 IPRA 在維護原住民族
               之特殊權利之功能上的限制埋下伏筆外,也呈現出 IPRA 對於菲律賓國內市民既存權利
               者,特別是對原住民族自然與文化資源之長期利用者之衝擊,以及其強大之反挫力量 。
                     IPRA 於第一章總則中,揭示關於原住民權利保障之重要原則,於第六章「文化完

               整性(Cultural Integrity)」之保護中,則規定了原住民族傳統智慧創作與文化表達的保
               護制度,以及其權利之歸屬。以下即分述 IPRA 對於原住民族傳統智慧創作權這個特殊


                     依據 IPRA 第七章之規定,為落實 IPRA,國家應設置「原住民族文化社群/原住民
               族(Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples,  以下簡稱 ICCs/IPs)委員會
               (National Commission on Indigenous Peoples ,  以下簡稱 NCIP)」 ,職司制定與施行促進
               保護 ICCs/IPs 權利與福祉之政策、計畫與綱領,肯認原住民之傳統領域及相關權利 ,
               並對於 ICCs/IPs 之信仰、習俗、傳統與設施,充分保護暨促進其利益與福祉 。根據 IPRA
               第 80 條 ,NCIP 應儘速制定與公告必要法規及條例,其中最重要的,是 IPRA 的施行
               細則:「IPRA 實施規則與條例(The Rules and Regulations Implementing The Indigenous
               Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997) 」,該細則於 1998 年被制定實施。

               該七名委員並應來自於被指定之特定區域,其中至少兩名需為女性 。

               42 Cruz v. Sec'y of Env't & Natural Res. G.R. No. 135385 (S.C., Dec. 6, 2000).
               43 IPRA 與菲律賓國內礦藏開發相關法規之競合問題,以及對於礦業發展之衝擊等相關討論請參見: Patricia
                 Thompson, Philippines Indigenous Peoples Rights Act, 1998 COLO. J. INT'L ENVTL. L. & POL'Y 179 (1998);
                 Alan Khee-Jin Tan, All that Glitters: Foreign Investment in Mining Trumps the Environment in the Philippines,
                 23 PACE ENVTL. L. REV. 183 (2005-2006).
               44 IPRA, Sec. 38. National Commission on Indigenous Cultural Communities/lndigenous Peoples (NCIP): ―To
                 carry out the policies herein set forth, there shall be created the National Commission on ICCs/ IPs (NCIP),
                 which shall be the primary government agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies,
                 plans and programs to promote and protect the rights and well-being of the ICCs/IPs and the recognition of
                 their ancestral domains as well as their rights thereto.‖
                Id., Sec. 39. Mandate: ―The NCIP shall protect and promote the interest and well-being of the ICCs/IPs with
                 due regard to their beliefs, customs, traditions and institutions.‖
                Id., Sec. 80. Implementing Rules and Regulations: ―Within sixty (60) days immediately after appointment, the
                 NCIP shall issue the necessary rules and regulations, in consultation with the Committees on National Cultural
                 Communities of the House of Representatives and the Senate, for the effective implementation of this Act.‖
               47 The Rules and Regulations Implementing The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997, National Commission
                 on Indigenous Peoples Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1998.
               48 IPRA, Sec. 40. Composition: ―The NCIP shall be an independent agency under the Office of the President and
                 shall  be  composed  of  seven  (7)  Commissioners  belonging  to  ICCs/IPs,  one  (1)  of  whom  shall  be  the
                 Chairperson.  The  Commissioners  shall  be  appointed  by  the  President  of  the  Philippines  from  a  list  of
                 recommenders  submitted  by  authentic  ICCs/  IPs:  Provided,  That  the  seven  (7)  Commissioners  shall  be
                 appointed specifically from each of the following ethnographic areas: Region I and the Cordilleras, Region II,
                 the rest of Luzon, Island Groups including Mindoro, Palawan, Romblon, Panay and the rest of the Visayas;
                 Northern and Western Mindanao; Southern and Eastern Mindanao; and Central Mindanao: Provided, That at
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